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About Us

Choices Foundation C.I.C Logo

Choices Foundation C.I.C supports the charity Widemarsh Ventures and project Handmade in Hereford. As we are a Community Interest Company we use our profits to benefit our dedicated workers (Service Users) and the community. This is the day service and training provider for our workers. For more information on our day service please go to: What We Do.

Widemarsh Ventures Logo

Widemarsh Ventures is our charity for the workers. All profits made from the items we sell are put back into the charity and into a designated workers fund to cover holidays, trips and distress grants which are paid out twice yearly. 

Handmade in Hereford Logo

Handmade in Hereford is our retail outlet in the Maylord Shopping Centre. This is run by a small team of volunteers. This shop is a chance for our workers to be a part of the public community by learning marketing and sales skills as well as customer service whilst selling our products!

Our History

 Widemarsh Enterprises was formed initially as a Workers’ Community Project of Friends of Widemarsh Workshop in the latter part of September 2008, to try and satisfy and promote the workers’ desire to become more accepted and community based and to be in the public domain. To this end a project was developed to sell the products they manufacture in the retail market place. 

The first venture was a market stall at the Hereford Cattle Market.  One very cold and wet September morning we set out our stall with items we make and products and donations of goods from friends, parents and supporters.  The scene was set; from these early days we have now progressed to the Butter Market display area, High Town exhibitions, local Craft Fairs and shows, inter-agency working and collaboration with Art 360 in vacant shop displays, Herefordshire Voluntary Action and finally our very own shop displays in Handmade in Hereford - Maylord Shopping Centre.  With all of these new outlets and public and community ventures, the sales of our products have increased 100%, bringing with it the successes and the inevitable problems.

 Our work force is made up of vulnerable adults who have difficulties accessing the world of work. Widemarsh Ventures and Choices Foundation gives them the opportunity to gain valuable skills and a sense of pride in producing products that have a true value, marketing and sales potential.  Our workers have the desire to succeed and are working towards gaining valuable and accepted skills for possible, meaningful future employment.  Joining us, and having chosen their work based activity, they have all been successful, each worker having made the commitment to be part of the team, as well as valuable contributors to the finished products, some gaining the skills to create and produce the finished item from start to finish! So are able to say proudly when asked, “Yes! I made that."

However, as the retail markets for our “Handmade in Hereford” products increase, so does the pressure on the workers.  It has become very much an accepted part of our work day and work ethic but will always be challenged. - Our workers best interest will always be in our hearts, meaning that if workloads ever get too much we will delay our customers. Our notice board in the workshop displays: "We are all here (staff and volunteers) to train, care and support our workers (service users). The items that we make are secondary to this. Their health, well-being and safety is the priority 24/7"

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Certified Social Enterprise Badge - Blac

| 01432 352010 |

| Unit 2, Three Elms Trading Estate, Bakers Lane, Hereford, HR4 9PU |

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